Bunnings staff donate veggie garden

Bunnings veggie patch donation helps young people to grow

Our Anderson St residences received a tasty addition recently, with Bunnings installing a veggie patch and herb garden.

All of the material, soil and plants were donated by Bunnings. We were fortunate to have Emily, Maree, and Gail from the Lilydale, Vermont and Ringwood stores come out to assist with set up.

They also donated some kneeling pads, gardening gloves and hand trowels, short stakes for the plants and ties.

Additionally, we received $250 in gift cards from the Lilydale and Pakenham stores. Our St James Village residences have been given $200 in gift cards to also start a garden.

We are almost ready to start harvesting some of the vegetables, and young people have already been using the herbs in their weekly group dinners.

To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.” – Audrey Hepburn