Lilydale Rotary Thankyou event

Local business champions thanked for Christmas toy appeal

The Rotary Club of Lilydale recently held a dinner event to thank the local businesses who helped to make their Christmas toy appeal one of their biggest yet.

Over 1,000 Christmas gifts and $1,930 worth of gift cards were donated as part of the drive, going to Anchor families in need.

The Christmas Wishing Tree campaign saw a fantastic response from the community, and the dinner was a chance for Rotary and Anchor to thank the businesses who jumped on board to make the campaign such a success.

Speaking to the Star Mail, Anchor CEO Heidi Tucker highlighted that people who are homeless or disadvantaged can feel left behind and uncared for, but campaigns such as Rotary’s helped to reach out and spread joy.

“By receiving these gifts and us throwing them a party, those people…really felt as though people cared about them,” she said.

You can read the full article here.